The JPCF established the Biz Chess Tournament in Budapest on the day before the Global Chess Festival.

First time it was organized in 2016, with the idea to have business persons with passion for the game of chess and also artists to play at the tournament. By having this event we would like to inspire international networking while giving an opportunity to play their passionate game where chess is the common language. It is also an opportunity to have some discussions with Judit Polgar and her sister Sofia.
In the 1st Biz Chess in 2016 we had 10 players from 5 countries. The the winner was Elek Nagy, who having been a chess player in his youth went into the business field while chess remained his passion. In addition, he celebrated his birthday by being the winner. Business persons who support the foundation by participating and the artists give an artistic touch to the event. We had Gergely Boganyi pianist playing on his own designed piano in the location of the amazing Hotel Aria.
In the year 2017 Jason Kouchak and JUGA were performing in between the games as a relaxation adding a special atmosphere to the event. In 2017 at the second time organized event we had already visitors from 7 countries: Hungary, India, Holland, England, Chile, France and USA as well . The winner was Erno Mesterhazy, Hungarian businessman. He won with his enduring concentration and he conquered the Indian competitor in his last game. Thus he became the winner of 2017 Biz Chess Tournament.