Beside the numerous accomplishments and Hungarian awards, the first major international prize was won by the JPCF-developed Chess Palace Programme at the 2015 Frankfurt Book Fair.

The Best European Learning Materials Awards are presented every year to high quality educational materials that have been produced in Europe. An international jury of experts evaluated the best European products and the special prize of the jury, the 2015 Merit Award, was given to Judit Polgar at the Awards Ceremony at in the Education Forum at the Frankfurt Book Fair. The event was hosted by Jean-Claude Lasnier, chairman of the BELMA jury, and Helga Holtkamp, director of the EEPG. Prof. Dr. Christoph Bläsi addressed the audience on behalf of the jury.
From the evaluation of the respected jury: “The internal coherence of the material is excellent: lessons and teaching materials build on each other, lessons plans are carefully designed to activate previously acquired knowledge, the teacher’s handbook, the student textbook and the exercise book complement each other very well. The material is cross-curricular: it uses a lot of references and develops important skills for other subjects like math, writing etc. The storytelling aspect about the life at the Chess Palace and its inhabitants engages and motivates students with playfulness and develops imagination and creativity.”